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Mongolian Eagle Hunters and Festival
What is the Mongolia Golden Eagle? The golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) is a large bird of prey found in the Northern Hemisphere. It is...
Enkhzaya Ganbold
Mar 125 min read

The Gobi Desert: A Comprehensive Overview
Introduction of Gobi Desert Spanning vast territories across Mongolia and China, the Gobi Desert is a prominent desert and semidesert...
Enkhzaya Ganbold
Mar 116 min read

Animals in Mongolia and Mongolian Wildlife
Mongolia, known for its vast, rugged expanses and its nomadic culture , is a land teeming with diverse wildlife and unique animal...
Enkhzaya Ganbold
Mar 1013 min read

What is Zorgol Khairkhan? Mongolian travel destination
Zorgol khairkhan is an attractive place of the Mongolian travel Located 150 km from the capital, Ulaanbaatar, "Zorgol Khairkhan" is one...
Enkhzaya Ganbold
Jul 10, 20221 min read

About Mongolian horses | Mongolian tour operator
What are Mongolian horses? Fig 1: Mongolian horses Different strains of Mongolian horses are kept by nomads. Mongolian horses in...
Enkhzaya Ganbold
Jun 28, 20226 min read

What is Mongolian Wild horse – Takhi
Equus przewalskii is known as Takhi in Mongolia. Gobi Desert was the last place in the world where Takhi was found. In the last 50 years, th
Enkhzaya Ganbold
Jun 24, 20222 min read
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